Taylors' Hill Neighbourhood Map

Places of interest and public transport information for the Taylors Hill area of Galway City


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1Scoil Fhursa gaelscoil (Irish-language primary school), Nile Lodge
2St Anne's Children's Centre / Lenaboy Castle
3Crói Nua spirituality centre
4Dominican College (aka Taylors)
5Dominican College (aka Taylors)
6Ardilaun Hotel
7Taylors Hill Pitch 'n Putt

Public Transport Information

Bus Éireann's route 402 - Seacrest buses run along the full length of Taylors Rd.

Route 401 - Salthill buses go along the Crescent, at the bottom of the hill (blue line) and are best for getting to Scoil Fhursa.

See Also

Neighbouring areas: