Woodquay neighbourhood map

This map shows places of interest in the Woodquay area Galway City Centre, and the location of bus stops.  Parking information is also provided. 


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Zoom in to the map to see more detail of the exact location: place-markers are correct to within a few metres of actual location or main entrance.

Map Key

No:  Place
1      Corrib Princess cruise departure point
2 Steamer's Quay:  Commercial Boating Club
3 St Joseph's Rowing Club
4 Galway Rowing Club
5 St Nicholas' Parochial School
6 Electric car charging point
7 Woodquay Court:
Tenants include Genesys (inc. Altocloud), Horan and Son Solicitors
Previous tenants:  Galway City and County Enterprise Board - now renamed as the Local Enterprise Office and located in the County council buildings
8 Town Hall Theatre
9 Galway Courthouse
10 Mercy Primary School and Pre-school / Scoil an Linbh Íosa
11 Franciscan Church (St Francis, The Abbey)
12 Legal Aid Services Board and Chime (previously DeafHear) Galway office
13 Woodquay carparking area
14 Woodquay Hostel (tourist)
15 Sleepzone Galway City Hostel (tourist), Amhra House student accommodation
16 Nimmos Tourist Hostel

Public transport and parking


Most of the sites on this map are 5-15 minutes walk from Eyre Square.


Bus routes 402 - Seacrest, 404 - Newcastle and 405 - Rahoon leave from Eyre Square (sometimes after coming from the east side of the city).  Travel past the Franciscan Church before turning left and going over the river.  The first bus stop after Eyre Square is outside the church, and this is the stop to use for the courthouse, threatre and national schools.

Bus route 407 leaves from Eyre Square, and goes past the Franciscan Church (bus stop outside), before turning right and heading through the north of Woodquay and on to Terryland.   It also stops outside the church, and the next stop is opposite Woodquay Court.

Car Parking:

There is an on-street car-park in the middle of Woodquay.  Other car-parks close to the area include the Cathedral, Newtonsmyth, Black Box and Corrib Court Shopping centre - see the City Car Parking map for details.

See also

City Bus Details - for city bus service route maps and timetables
Regional Buses - for regional and national bus connections

Neighbouring areas:
Cathedral area   -  Terryland  -  Prospect Hill / Bohermore