Kirwan's Lane / Lána an Chiarubhánaigh neighbourhood map

A layout map of the block surrounding Kirwan's Lane / Lána an Chiarubhánaigh in Galway city.

The key below the map lists building names, long-standing tenants, and places of significant public interest, or which are useful for finding your way around the area.   It does not list all businesses present - others may be added by request.

Many buildings in this area have retail or hospitality businesses on the ground floor, other businesses on the first and second floors, and apartments on higher floors.


Click and drag on the map to zoom in. Click the top right corner to see this in a larger map.


No:Place / building / tenants
1   Supermacs, Cross St
2 Lane House: Kirby's Restaurant
3 Busker Brown's restaurant and bar
4 Tempo Antiques and No 7 Boutique Hotel
5 Judy Greene - 2nd shop
6 Yes Flowers
7 RG Emmerson and Co Solicitors
8 Pizza and Pasta Napolli
9 Tigh Neachtain / Neachtains pub
10 Kabash Wine bar - previously Artisan, Ard Bia, River God Café
11 Coffeewerk and Press
12 Quays Street Food
13 Il Folletto
14 Barnacles Hostel
15 Trattoria Magnetti
16 The Residence Hotel. (Previously Spanish Arch Hotel)
17 McDonogh's Fish and Chip shop and Restaurant
18 Blakes Castle.   Tenants - Costa Coffee, Jury's Inn
19 Jury's Inn hotel and beer garden - front entrance to Claddagh multi-story carpark 
20 Kirwan's Lane Restaurant
21 Back entrance to Claddagh Carpark / Jury's Inn
22 Heritage Hall. Tenants include Heritage Chambers Law, Tuath Housing, Webtext . Previous tenants Davis-Langdom AECOM, Persses Whiskey.
23 Pedestrian accessway / gate
24 To be advised
25 Kirwan's Corner - Tenants include Goya Café / Restaurant
26 Mint Hair Salon
27 To be advised
28 Kirwan Court - tenants include Digilogue Web Design
29 Judy Greene Pottery and Giftware
30 Blake House - tenants include Heavey Kenny and Associates, Busker Browne's side entrance
31 Waterfront Apartments
32 Waterfront Building - tenants include Kennedy Fitzgerald Solicitors, Lucks Newsagents (previously MacIssacs), Asta Reddin and Associates, Frank Cuddy Dentists)
33 Seven Bridegstreet
34 To be advised
35 Fahy Travel

Public Transport Information

All places on this map are within 5 minutes walk from Eyre Square.

See also

Industrial Estates and Business Parks

Inner city neighbourhood maps

Blakes Castle - nestled into Jury's Hotel