Oughterard / Uachtar Ard neighbourhood map

Public transport and places of interest for the village of Oughterard, Limerick.


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Map key

1 Oughterard Pier
2 Oughterard Anglers and Boatman's Assocation / Hatchery
3 St Paul's Secondary School
4 National School - Scoil Chuimín agus Caitríona, Uachtar Ard
5 Oughterard Rugby Club
6 Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic church
7 Previous national / primary school building
8 Former courthouse building: County Council area office - Public library
9 Garda station
10 Kilcummin Church and graveyard - Church of Ireland
11 Angler's Rest pub
12 Walsh's Funeral Home
13 Bus stop - east bound
14 Bus stop - west bound
15 Oughterard Community Centre / Corrib Gym / Oughterard Afterschool Club
16 Bank of Ireland
17 Connemara Lake Hotel
18 Breathnach's Bar
19 Camp St Cafe - previously Arches
20 Weighbridge Park
21 The Boat Inn
22 Market Square
23 Powers Thatched Pub
24 An Post / Oughterard Post Office
25 GAA field and clubrooms
26 Children's playground
27 Oughterard Primary Health Centre
28 Carpark
29 Corribdale Park
30 Oughterard Boxing Club
31 Kilcummin Cemetery
32 Billamore Woodcraft
33 Oughterard Golf Club
34 Aughnanure Castle
35 IDA Industrial Estate, Ordinance Ground - Tenants include Electronic Concepts Europe

Public Transport Information

Most places in the village are within walking distance of the bus-stops outside Hessian's Pub.


Bus Éireann's bus route 419 - Clifden service stops in Oughterard several times per day Monday - Sunday, with extra services on some days.

CityLink's Clifden / Connemara service stops in Oughterard, up to five times per day, Monday - Sunday.


There is no taxi-office in the town, but several taxi and hackney operators are based in the village.


There are no trains serving Oughterard, or anywhere near it.

See also

Neighbouring areas
County Galway neighbourhood maps