Ballinfoyle / Bothar an Chóiste Neighbourhood Map

Places of interest and public transport information for the suburbs of Ballinfoyle / Bothar an Chóíste, on the north side of Galway city.


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1 An Triaton complex.   Bóthar an Chóiste shops, Murphy's Centra, Freemasons Galway Lodge 14.
2 Ballinfoyle Mór Community Garden
3 Ballinfoyle Community Centre AKA  Ballinfoyle-Castlegar Neighbourhood Centre
4 Tesco Express
5 Ballinfoyle / Tirellan Church - Church of the Resurrection
6 Oileán Spraoi Montessori & Afterschool
7 Scoil San Phroinsías / St Francis National School (sometimes called Tirellan Heights National School)
8 St Mary's Hall
9 Jehovah's Witness Church / Kingdom Hall
10 Crestwood shops
11 Galway City Council - water supply offices

Public Transport Information

This area is served by the route 407 bus, which operates every 20 minutes during the daytime and every 40 minutes at night.

The original bus route was a loop, travelling out via Crestwood and returning via the Headford Rd.   However now the inward and outward bus routes are the same.

See also

Galway city bus details for route maps and timetables

Neighbouring area

Tirellan / Terryland  --  Castlegar

Modern style church building with centre spire and meeting rooms at the sides - with a car parked outside, and a bus-stop.   Also has external Christmas lights above the cross on a gable wall.